
A short history of the Council of Europe’s efforts to implement multiperspectivity in history education
by Emma Johnson The debate surrounding multiperspectivity in history will be familiar to most historians and educators – what narratives are given more space in the historiography, whose point of view are we learning from and how do we uncover the missing voices are all familiar questions. Yet more often than not, these are questions…
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The Russian Revolution and the emancipation of women: a multiperspective history
The TEH21 project is based on the idea of “multiperspectivity”.[1] In this blog, Kim Ligtenberg applies this concept to the history of the Russian Revolution. In 2017, Russia was celebrating. It had been a hundred years since the famous March and November (O.S. October) uprisings, which later became known as the Russian Revolution (1917).[2]…
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What is multiperspectivity?
By Kim Ligtenberg. The teaching material produced over the course of the TEH21 project is rooted in the notion of “multiperspectivity”. This blog discusses the most important aspects of this concept and how it relates to history education. In 2007, the Dutch Ministry of Education decided that the national history teaching had to be…
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